In Matthew Chapter 3 Verse 2, Saint John the Forerunner’s first recorded words are, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
In Matthew Chapter 4 Verse 17, we find our Lord having just defeated Satan and his temptations after 40 days fasting in the wilderness, and our Lord’s first words after this are, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
Thus we find two men who have met only once, whose only recorded conversation with one another is John’s expressed reticence in submitting God the Son to his baptism in Jordan, but receiving the command from Christ to do so with these words, Permit it to be for now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness. With this being the only conversation between the greatest born of woman (Mat 11:11) and God in the flesh, isn’t it astounding to find the words so precisely matched?
For those of us who follow the Orthodox Faith, it shouldn’t be surprising at all!
The preaching of the need for repentance is integral to nearly every aspect of our faith. The teachings of the Holy Fathers are filled with references to the need for repentance.
How many sinful acts we have to grieve for. For without grief there is no purification. St. Peter of Damascus
Cleanse your mind from anger, remembrance of evil, and shameful thoughts, and then you will find out how Christ dwells in you. St. Maximos the Confessor
If you are afraid of sinners like yourself seeing your sins, how much more should you be afraid of God who notes everything? St. Isaiah the Solitary
These are only three ‘pearls’ - there are countless more. This is why we encourage all of us to use whatever ‘spare time’ we have to read the Holy Fathers. You see, their message does not echo exactly what the Forerunner and our Lord said, word for word, but it is clear that the message is contained in their teachings.
And these are things that we know even without study, if the Holy Spirit has not departed from us. St. Paul makes this eminently clear in his letter to the Romans when he teaches, for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them. (Rom 2:14-15)
This is no different from when David the King and Psalmist wrote, For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against You, and You only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Your sight… (Ps 51:3-4)
The thing is, God, in His infinite love for us, His creation, wants nothing more from us that this simple component of living in this fallen world:
In every instance when those who approached the Lord came for healing, He freely (and without prompting) spoke, Your sins are forgiven you! Not once do the Gospels nor any Scripture point to any who come to the Lord in repentance being denied His absolving them of their sins.
It was that way 2000 years ago.
It is still that way today. Glory to God for His abundant mercy!
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