Welcome to Saint Herman's, Hudson, Ohio

This blog is a partial compilation of the messages, texts, readings, and prayers from our small community. We pray that it will be used by our own people, to their edification. And if you happen by and are inclined to read, give the glory to God!

The blog title, "Will He Find Faith on the Earth?" is from Luke 18:8, the "Parable of the Persistent Widow." It overlays the icon of the Last Judgment, an historical event detailed in Matthew Chapter 25, for which we wait as we pray in the Nicean Creed.

We serve the Holy Orthodox cycle of services in contemporary English. Under the omophorion of His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph of the Bulgarian Patriarchal Diocese of the USA, Canada and Australia, we worship at 5107 Darrow Road in Hudson, Ohio (44236). If you are in the area, please join us for worship!

Regular services include:
Sunday Divine Liturgy 10AM (Sept 1 - May 31)
930AM (June 1 - Aug 31)
Vespers each Saturday 6PM

We pray that you might join us for as many of these services as possible! We are open, and we welcome inside the Church all visitors. See our Parish web page:

Friday, July 24, 2020

This Is How Far We've "Progressed" in Sixty-seven Years

My Popadia and I were dining at an inn in east central Ohio this afternoon (24Jul20).  On the wall was a signed copy of what you'll see at the bottom of this post.  It is a prayer offered on 20Jan1953 that was offered by President Eisenhower - a prayer given preceding his first Inaugural Address.  It was a prayer for unity.  That's right - UNITY!  The text may be a little hard to read in the post, so we'All transcribe it here.

Almighty God,

As we stand here at this moment, my future associates in the executive branch of the government join me in beseeching that Thou will make full and complete our dedication to the service of the people in this throng and their fellow citizens everywhere.  Give us, we pray, the power to discern clearly right from wrong and allow all our works and actions to be governed thereby and by the laws of the land.  Especially we pray that our concern shall be for all the people, regardless of station, race or calling.  May co-operation be permitted and be the mutual aim of those who, under the concept of our Constitution, hold to differing political beliefs, so that all may work for the good of our beloved country and for Thy glory.  Amen.