Thirty-seventh Day of the Advent Fast:
"For you shall see, it says, your Life hanging before your eyes; and who shall declare his generation? For one can ascertain the genealogy of all the saints, and declare it from the beginning, and of whom each was born; but the generation of Him that is the Life the Scriptures refer to as not to be declared. Who then is he of whom the Divine Scriptures say this? Or who is so great that even the prophets predict of him such great things? None else, now, is found in the Scriptures but the common Savior of all, the Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. For He it is that proceeded from a virgin and appeared as man on the earth, and whose generation after the flesh cannot be declared. For there is none that can tell His father after the flesh, His body not being of a man, but of a virgin alone; so that no one can declare the corporal generation of the Savior from a man, in the same way as one can draw up a genealogy of David and of Moses and of all the patriarchs." ("On the Incarnation," St. Athanasius, The Majesty of His Birth and Death, Section 37:2-4)
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