A certain elder taught the following:
Now on your account, O son of man, Christ was born, and the Son of God came that He might make you live.
He became a Child, becoming a man, being also God.
He Who was the Lawgiver became a Reader, and He took the book of the synagogue, and He read, saying, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, and for this reason He has anointed Me, and has sent Me to preach the Gospel to the poor."
Like a Subdeacon He made a whip of rope, and He drove forth from the Temple all those who sold oxen, and cattle, and doves, and other things.
Like a Deacon He girded a napkin about His loins, and washed the feet of His disciples, and He commanded them to wash the feet of their brethren.
Like a Priest He sat among the priests, and taught the people.
Like a Bishop He took bread, and blessed and broke it, and gave to His disciples.
He was beaten for your sake, that is to say, for your sake He was crucified, and for your sake He died. Yet you for His sake will not even endure insult!
He rose as God. He was exalted as God. All these things for our sake, all these things by Divine Providence, all these things properly and due order did He do that He might redeem us.
Let us then be watchful, and strenuous, and constant in prayer, and let us do everything which will please Him, and will gratify His friends, so that we may be redeemed and live. Was not Joseph sold into Egypt, and did he not live in a foreign land? And the three simple young men in Babylon, had they not men who opposed them? Yet, because they were fearing God, He helped them, and made them glorious."
We thank the author of the blog site, https://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/
and specifically the page, https://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2016/12/christ-came-to-pass-through-all-ranks.html
for their permission to repost this piece.